Why Slack?
Slack brings all your communication together
Teamwork in Slack happens in channels — a single place for messaging, tools and files — helping everyone save time and collaborate together. Once we’ve gotten the boring legal stuff out of the way, the fun begins and it starts in Slack. The Slack app is available for all devices, desktops and is really easy to use. Sophisticated enough for the techies to do what they want and easy enough for the non techies to use it right away.
Into to Slack
As mentioned above, Slack is a wonderfully useful tool that allows anyone to collaborate on projects within or outside of your organization. In fact, if you find yourself regularly emailing clients and then forwarding the information to a co-worker, project manager, clients or supervisor, consider SLACK. It’s the most efficient way we’ve found for including everyone in on a particular project that needs to be in the know.
Think of SLACK as a nostalgic trip back to the early 2000’s when chatrooms were all the rage. Anyways, it a dedicated channel to your project where you are able to interact with all of us here. You use @ signs to talk directly to channel members and # to create searchable conversations for future references and * to find important responses from the past. SLACK will eliminate our need for email chains 20 plus conversations and a handful of forwards deep. If you need to talk to one of your dedicated team members, you can send private messages to them. Just click on the team members profile picture you want to message, a window opens up and you’ll see the “message” button, click it and go from there.
Additionally, SLACK is an APP that functions extremely well on your phone but also plays well in a browser. Collaborating with you inside of SLACK allows an easy to use file sharing and storage process that will make this entire process efficient and enjoyable from start to finish.
Lastly, in order to use SLACK and see your preliminary designs or to send us required information, you’ll need to follow the link and download the app, we’d also recommend adding Slack to your computer form the app store as well. You’ll receive an email from us which has a link to create your free guest account within SLACK once we’ve gotten you onboard.
Keep in mind that SLACK is a more efficient form of email communications, and although we will receive your requests with notifications, we might not be able to respond right away, nor do we expect a response from you right away if we need information. Give us time to gather and research the information you’ve requested.
If you happen to send us an email, we will kindly ask that you copy, cut and paste your email into your SLACK channel.